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Aw’s Market is a leading name in the grocery and household supply world. The brand was introduced to offer healthy and tasty options under one umbrella. Over the years, the team has ensured to bring unique options to the table at super affordable options. The name serves as a platform for local produce, which makes it even more genuine and trustworthy. The focus on excelling the quality and then expanding the horizon of quantity has gained them a large set of loyal audience. The name is all about making everyday meals healthier and tastier with small steps.
The brand offers an ocean full of options in different types of meat that is super easy to cook and comes with numerous health benefits. Aw’s Market Fresh Meat is delivered to you straight from the farm with traditional processing to keep the benefits intact. The tender, soft and chewy texture is everything to ask for whether you are cooking a gourmet meal or your everyday morning sandwich. The meat is juicy and perfectly absorbs sauces and curries you wish to try it with. These are available in different varieties for you to choose from.
Aw’s Market Deli Meat makes the right choice if you wish to avoid the long cooking process. The pack is delivered to you with sliced meat that has been cooked to perfection. The cooking is done at an optimal temperature to promise you soft and chewy bites. These are available in different shaped slices, including sheets and cubes. The fish and chicken meat is easily available and works well for sandwiches. The value pack of mixed chicken, fish and pork meat is a great choice as well.
Aw’s Market Frozen Meat is a saviour as you can easily store them for days in cold storage. These are cooked and then preserved using natural methods for a better experience. The meat is packed with protein and vital vitamins that keep you energised throughout the day. There is a separate range of seasoned meat. Aw’s Market Convenience Food is delicious with its roasted spices seasoning, and on-the-go nature. All you have to do is warm it according to your preference, and you are set for delightful bites. The classic pepper and salt seasoned meat are worth trying.
The brand has a delightful section of seafood made using a traditional recipe to offer you authenticity. Aw’s Market Fresh Seafood includes tender and juicy packs of fish meat. The layered texture and easy to cook formula are what make it worth trying. Fish meat is available in different types, including Salmon and Sardines. There are packs of roasted meat that have a mouth-watering smokey essence and aptly seasoned flavour. All these meat packs are available in different sizes for you to pick from. Explore the portal to find the right pack for yourself.