Owning an aquarium is not something new and unique for people. These days a fish tank or a small fishbowl can easily be located in any office or household. The best thing about raising fishes is that you don’t need to pay attention to it 24x7. But on the other hand, there are a few essential things that you do need to take care of to maintain a clean and healthy tank for your fishes. The pet supplies for aquariums like decorative items, oxygen tanks, and fish feed are imperative for fish care. The best fish food for fingerlings consists of items like pellets, flake food, and freeze-dried food. The amount of fish food that you feed your koi depends on its size and daily requirement. It also depends on the breed of koi you are harboring in your tank. Choosing the right food for your fish is important because it leads to a better growth rate and longer life.
Your choice of food also depends on whether your fish is a herbivore or a meat-eater. The food for a carnivorous breed is dry pellets and flakes. Flake food is the most common type of meal for aquatic pets because of its digestibility. They are the easiest to feed and need to be sprinkled on the surface of the water. Your goldfish or koi rises to the surface and eats as much as it wants to. There are different kinds of koi food depending on the variety of fish you own. The marine flakes are usually fed to sea and saltwater creatures. Freshwater aquatic fishes like barbs, angles, or tetras are habitual of feeding on tropical flakes.
The next common type of pet food for carnivorous and big fishes is pellets. Fishes like koi, sharks, or catfish have different requirements than small fishes like goldfish. The koi fish has a pretty strong digestive system. They can digest any natural food that is fed to them. Thus insect pellets are a pretty good choice for such breeds. They need to be fed carbohydrate and protein-rich diets like fruits and vegetables to sustain and grow in a controlled environment.
Packaged insects and worms also make good pet food when it comes to feeding aquarium sharks and koi fishes. One of the most peculiar properties of koi is that their scale color changes depending on the food you give them. Giving them vitamin-rich green and red vegetables will change their scale color from white to pink over time. Dried seaweeds are also good options for little fingerlings like tangs and clownfish. Invest in the right fish food now and give a chance to your koi to reach their prime.