There are a lot of food items that make the cooking process easier. Be it veggies, meats, dairy, or non-dairy items, everything helps immensely in kitchen work. Similarly, one of these items is the creamer. In simpler terms, a creamer is a milk substitute that is most commonly used in the preparation of coffee and black tea. The basic ingredients include sugar, water, and vegetable oil. When it says, substitute for milk, it does not mean that creamer is completely dairy-free. Although it writes on the label as dairy-free, creamer contains less than 5% of milk, it’s not 100% non-dairy creamer. The shelf-life of creamer, especially as powder, is much more than the regular milk.
Coffee creamer is the most popular among all the available creamers. It is exclusively used in coffee-making. This creamer comes in two types: liquid and powder forms. Liquid coffee creamer is very easy to find in dairy shops. There are a lot of flavors to it, like vanilla, hazelnut, cookies, etc. These flavors are also available in the powdered coffee creamer but the most popular is the plain one. When you buy it, it’s already ready-to-use. So, just pour and mix it in your coffee mug along with coffee and you are all set to drink it. The texture, as well as the taste of the creamer, is almost similar to that of whole milk or half-and-half (a dairy product that includes half milk and half creamer).
Another important and prominent coffee creamer is the French vanilla creamer. It is called French Vanilla simply because of the place of its origin. These vanilla pods come from France, which is why it is called so. However, in terms of baking, it refers to a very strong vanilla sweetness. It has a very rich and aromatic taste and sweetness. A coffee drinker knows how tasty and soothing this flavor is because rarely can anybody resist vanilla. These are lactose, gluten, and cholesterol-free products. Hence, it doesn’t burden your health much.
You can use it to make a variety of beverages other than coffee, like vanilla frappe, vanilla cappuccino, iced-Chai of vanilla flavor, etc. It gives a heavy and smooth texture. These non-dairy creamers, as the label says, are becoming an important part of coffee life. Some of these are also sugar-free and fat-free, which makes it a good choice for people with such preferences. Along with basic creamer ingredients, it includes artificial sweeteners to give a sweet taste. Depending upon your need and taste, you can choose one and make new and tasty food items to enjoy with your loved ones.