Among all dairy products, kids yogurts are the most wholesome and significant items both for kids and adults. They are packed with crucial nutritional components that are necessary for the growing child. They strengthen the muscles, teeth and bones besides contributing the essential protein, riboflavin, vitamin B12, phosphorus, and calcium. The presence of good bacteria or probiotics in the kids yoghurt consolidates the digestion process and aids in the progression of regular and healthy metabolism. They can also be readily mixed with cereals and other food items. They are available in various fruit and nut flavours that enhance their taste and kids find the experience of eating them quite wonderful.
This range of curds is flavoured with vanilla, banana, strawberry, lemon, and other essences. They are made from very high-quality milk processed specially to be appropriate to the kid’s stomach. Children especially find the Tamar variety very delectable. The strawberry flavoured Greek-style children yogurts is a direct derivative of the internationally acclaimed Tasmanian milk from Australia. This is especially known to have a load of vitamins, minerals and fibers with cream, whole milk, lemon & strawberry pulp, milk solids, yogurt cultures and natural essences. There is no artificial sweetener, gelatine and gluten making it easily digestible. The yogurts made from thin milk and laced with nuts are special and unique and can be offered to kids at any time of the day.
Whether it is the plain flavoured variety or the customized one based on nutritional content, curds can accompany a meal in more than one way for kids. The conditioned yogurt for 6-months plus babies with fruit and organic milk can be a perfect meal in itself. With no added sugar and being gluten-free, the baby will also not budge an inch enjoying the taste of the item. The sugar-free peach and banana yogurt contain a magnificent blend of flavours from the two fruits in the curd. The pear and apple yogurt will attract the child with its elegant smell. The orange and liquorice flavoured variety with added minerals and fibers can be extremely useful for the child’s early development years.
Dairy products are inevitable in both vegetarian and non-vegetarian diets. Their high protein content makes them a perfect substitute for meats. The amino and the vitamins particularly strengthen the intestinal progressions of the growing child making the metabolism sustain. Besides, the freshness of the item and the fact that it is extremely light on your system makes it ideal for the playful child as well as for sportspersons. Also, with so much focus on the environment, yogurts can be the perfect way to contribute something to the same.