Natural yoghurt is a wonderful food item that is required for good health and everlasting vitality. It is simply made by fermenting milk. The nature of the milk determines the nutrition and density of the product. Low, medium, and full-fat milk can be used for this purpose according to the desired level of fat after fermentation. So, while fat-rich milk variety can be great for growing children and teenagers, the low and medium fat content milk is perfect for people who are also watching their weight. Yogurts can be consumed fresh or mixed with beverages and fruits. Or, they may be combined with marinades, curries, and sauces to lend density, taste, flavor, and aroma to the cooked product.
You can choose from a variety of these essential items for your regular diet. The Greek-styled variety has very low fat and can be consumed as a quick and convenient meal full of nutritional compounds. The sweetened yogurt can be used as a substitute for dessert after meals. The lactose-free variant is useful for diabetes patients and weight watchers. The extra probiotics will do wonders for people with intestinal issues and metabolic disorders. The coconut and vanilla-flavored variety are loved by children. The Greek style natural yoghurt is also flavored with raspberries, almond extracts, lemon, and cashew nuts. A complete fat-free variety is made from goat’s milk. And of course, Shrikhand is an all-time favorite as a snack and dessert.
You are sure to derive a host of nutritional elements from curd. The rich supply of vitamins and calcium can be extremely good for the bones and teeth. The vitamins can increase the immunity of the body besides being helpful in the regeneration of body cells and tissues. The low-fat variant also contains proteins and can be a necessary part of diets in weight management programs. The probiotics in these dairy products regulate the functions of the digestive system by reducing bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and gastritis. They are also known to absorb minerals and render overall body development. A complete absence of any preservative, additive, and sugar makes them a super nutritional item for regular consumption.
The Greek yogurt particularly is extra thick and when mixed with olive oil, condiments and spices can be used as fantastic dips to many savory items. All the products in this range are manufactured with the utmost care and subjected to the prescribed standards. The fermentation of the milk is carried out at a strictly regulated temperature to ensure that the required amount of healthy bacteria is present in the curd. Quality control and evaluation are further done to check for the desired specifications. The packaging is done with automated machines to eliminate leakages and damages. Keeping your refrigerator stocked with packets of these is a sure-shot way of staying healthy and refreshed for eternity.