Frozen Meat

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Frozen meat from RedMart: The best way to munch on your favorite snacks

There is constant competition amongst fast food brands for proving that their burger patties are fresh and tasty. They claim to use fresh beef and meat for their products. But in reality, this idea of selling junk food by making claims that fresh is healthier than frozen meat does not make sense. The truth is that frozen produce of meat is equally tasty and healthy as its fresh variant. On the other hand, frozen food is preserved in a way that the nutrients remain intact. Fresh meat can easily go bad within a short period, if not stored properly. The shelf life of meat that is cut deteriorates over time. 

Many times when fresh meat is not stored properly it starts to rot and is thrown away. This leads to food wastage. Sometimes preservatives are used to keep the meat fresh. These might reduce its nutrient content and make them less healthy as compared to frozen chicken. In the supermarket, fresh meat is stored for several weeks or even more. The same is the case with the refrigerator at home. In this case, frozen food will be cheaper, healthier, and an easy to use option. It is a perfect option for making sausages and burgers at home in a jiffy.

Cooking frozen meat safely

While cooking frozen beef, steak, or chicken, it is important to cook by following the right procedure. Frozen non-vegetarian item can be taken out of the freezer and cooked. This will not affect its taste adversely. Instead, it will result in juicy, properly cooked, tender and delicious food. While cooking frozen steak, put the meat along with the packaging in a bowl and put some cold water over it. Then preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fanrenheit, remove the steak and marinate it with pepper and salt for a few minutes. Then place it in the oven or grill for 15 minutes. After it is cooked the steak becomes tender and juicy. For chicken that is frozen, simmering or baking it in a sauce is recommended. it should be cooked for twice the time as compared to unfrozen chicken at a slightly low temperature. 

Frozen pork can be directly cooked on the grill, stovetop, or oven, but a procedure similar to beef and chicken should be followed. But in this case, it should be cooked for twice the time as compared to its unfrozen variant. While cooking frozen produce do not use a slow crockpot or cooker. For thawing meat to make meatballs it is best to remove it from the freezer to the normal storage area in a refrigerator. Thus, making healthy dishes for your family by cooking tasty dishes at home.