Guava is a tropical fruit that, for the first time, originated in Mexico. Now, it is grown in almost every region of the world. The outer layer is yellowish or green in color. The inner part is generally white, red, or comes with different shades of pink. It has a sweet and musky odor once it’s ripped. All these varieties have a very strong smell. This tropical fruit is generally eaten raw with its skin, pulp and seeds. It is very beneficial for health and is preferred by many people worldwide for its tangy taste and refreshing smell.
There are many different types of this fruit. Red Malaysian, Tropical white, Mexican cream, strawberry and lemon guava are some varieties of this fruit. Seedless guava is available all through the year and is a native of Malaysia. They are also known as apple guava. They are available in flesh colors pink and white and have a firm and crispy texture. This fruit is desired by people as they are free from hard seeds and are easy to consume. They can be stored at normal temperature for eight to ten days.
Pink guava is one of the most popular of the lot. It has a unique flavour and various health-related benefits. They have a rough outer crust with a bitter and sometimes sweet taste. The fragrance is somewhat similar to lemon but not that strong. The part inside has a creamy texture. The seeds are generally located in the centre, small in size and hard in texture. This guava fruit gets its peculiar pink colour due to the presence of carotenoid pigment.
There are many benefits for the consumers of this fruit. It is one of the richest sources of vitamin C. It helps in boosting immunity. It reduces the risk of cancer, as it is rich in lycopene, quercetin, vitamin C and other polyphenols. They act as antioxidants and prevent the growth of cancer cells. They have a low glycaemic index and are very rich in fibres which help in diabetes control. Also, the fibres present regulate the sugar content. This fruit has sodium and potassium which regulates the blood pressure level. It also reduces the level of bad cholesterol. This fruit is very rich in dietary fibres which is very good for the digestive system and prevents constipation. The presence of vitamin A helps in improving eyesight. It has vitamin B9 and folic acid which are required by a pregnant woman. The magnesium present in it releases the muscles and nerves of the body resulting in better metabolism. So, do not wait to make it a part of your daily diet to keep your body energetic and fit!