Hamsters, though small in size, are one of the most heart-warming creatures. Your little pet might be an intrinsic part of your family, but they need to be fed differently. Small pet food takes care of all the health and nutrient requirements of your little friend. Since the small pets are usually known to be herbivores, their food usually consists of vegetable and grain-based diets. Their digestive system is designed to digest fresh and nutrient-rich food. Some of the most common hamster food consists of hay and grain-based palettes. The hamsters are prone to getting diseases like weak eyesight and scurvy because they are unable to process vitamin C on their own. The hamster palettes are supposed to have a good quantity of vitamin C in them.
Hay is an important part of your hamster’s diet. The gut of your little friend is designed specifically to digest fiber and grains. The hay has the right amount of fiber to achieve ultimate gut health. The best hay is dry, clean, easy to chew, and sweet. These are the qualities that make the meal appetizing for your guinea pig. Another peculiar thing about hamsters is that their teeth grow constantly. Chewing good quality hay can help your hamster teeth get in the right shape and size.
Just like humans, a hamster needs the right blend of nutrients in its food. There are many canned/packaged vegetable options are available to treat your guinea pig. These vegetables are processed to make them digestible for your tiny friend. The vegetables that suit the gut system of hamsters are lettuce, carrot, peas, tomatoes, kale, spinach, and other leafy vegetables.
Another pet food that is equally nutritious and beneficial for your guinea pig is fruits. Fruits have higher vitamin content and are also rich in sugar. The vitamin keeps the vitals of your pet in control and the sugar provides them energy to remain active throughout the day. The sugar content also makes the skin of your pet shiny and aids their hair growth. Bite-sized processed fruit packages are available for you to choose from. Water is the most important ingredient that guinea pig food is supposed to have. Since these fruit-based treats are flavourful, the hamsters find them quite palatable. Commonly available hamster fruits are oranges, apples, cucumbers, pears, strawberries, kiwi, papaya, peaches, etc. These treats are easy to chew and digest. Another advantage of feeding fruity snacks to your hamster is that they maintain the water content in your pet’s body. If you have a tiny pet then invest in appropriate pet supplies now and watch your hamster grow healthy.