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People that consume a balanced meal stay healthier. However, with age it becomes quite common for people to develop several ailments, thus it becomes quintessential to introduce a few health supplements as part of the diet to bridge the gap. Abbott is a brand that manufactures a variety of health supplements suitable for people of all age groups. This brand has a history of 130 years and was founded by Dr. Abbott. All these health supplies are accepted globally by many people because of their quality. They are known for manufacturing nutritional milk for elderly citizens.
Abbott Ensure products are preferred by many people as they are made using premium-quality and safe ingredients. The Abbott Ensure Life daily nutritional milk, pulmonary, and Ensure Original is quite popular. Available in a variety of flavors such as vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry. They are available in the bulk of 20 milk products and also a single unit pack. All these nutritional supplements contain a proper proportion of proteins, dietary fiber, minerals, carbohydrates, and a combination of 28 vitamins that enhances the overall health and wellbeing of an individual.
Abbott products are rich in terms of antioxidants therefore, they enhance the immune system and help fight against a variety of disease-causing viruses and bacteria. The presence of calcium and vitamins will aid bone development and provide the required nutrition to senior adults. On the other hand, they also offer prebiotic fibers such as FOS and insulin to keep digestive health intact. This product is lactose-free, therefore, people that are intolerant to cow’s milk can consume these without any issues. They manufacture a variety of mother and baby products for their well-being.
The Abbott Grow is a popular product for toddlers that are available for different age groups. Made using a special milk formula, these products are certified by experts as safe and healthy. This palm-oil-free Abbott Grow milk is safe for all children. The Abbott Glucerna is another popular product that is massively preferred by many adults as it helps in regulating blood sugar levels to a greater extent. People with diabetes can consume this caffeine-free and lactose-free product as it is extremely beneficial for their health.
The Abbott Glucerna supplement contains less calories and is loaded with high proteins therefore, it keeps in full for a longer time. Carbohydrates present in this product have a low glycaemic index, and also get released slowly into the blood. This gluten-free product is safe as it is tested at multiple levels in the laboratories to ensure the better safety of consumers. If you are keen on helping your family members stay healthy, introducing them to Abbott products can be beneficial.