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HGC is a well-established name that has been serving excellent quality household supplies for years now. The name was introduced with the sole goal of bringing everyday utility items on a platform with super affordable prices. The brand was introduced a few years back, and since its formation, it has only improved both in terms of quality and quantity. They are committed to bringing innovative changes through their enhancing scientific expertise. The variety of options makes the company have a different name in the industry. In addition, they focus on making their process transparent to gain the audience’s faith.
Well organised and cleaned kitchen space serves the dual purpose of hygiene and aesthetics. The brand understands your need and offers a wide range of options in storage boxes and organiser bags for you to choose from. Each piece is designed for promising you the utmost utility and affordable prices. Using the most satisfactory material results in durability and safe usage for everyday needs. Whether you are looking for containers to keep your spices and grains or bags to throw out the garbage, this brand has all your kitchen needs to be sorted.
HGC Food Storage offers you unique options in glass and plastic containers. The standard plastic container is available in different sizes and shapes. The 500ml box comes with an airtight cover that keeps your food safe. These boxes are made of certified material that ensures safe everyday usage. You can get the value pack of 3-6 containers to store grains and pulses. There are 250 ml and 500ml glass jars that serve well to store spices for easy access. These look super aesthetic on the countertop and can also be used as a piece for your dining space.
HGC Kitchen Storage also comes in multiple-storey features. The three-storey storage box with tiny compartments helps you better organise your spoons and knives. These are available in different sizes and shapes for you to choose from. The shelf with cover and differently shaped compartments eases the process of organising small tools and appliances in your kitchen. You can also get the portable shelf for easy access and sorted organising. These are available at exciting prices and make for a great pick to renovate your kitchen space.
Keeping cooking ingredients in the open can lead to food contamination. HGC Plastic Bag is here to help you keep them safe with the airtight formula. These bags are made from clinically approved material that keeps your food safe. If you are in for segregating your kitchen waste, then the blue and green garbage bags are worth trying. These are strong and available in different sizes. The best part is that these come with handles at the top for easy usage. Explore the portal to find more options in boxes and bags for your kitchen.