Cleanliness and hygiene is an excellent tool for any deadly viruses and germ attacks. Instead of just washing with running water, using soaps and handwashing forms a protective barrier for long hours from disease spreading. Kirei Kirei is a leading Japanese brand that sells No.1 hand soaps with active anti-anti bacterial formulation. Kirei Kirei in Japanese means clean clean. This is one of the essential products that always keep you and your family clean and tidy! Isopropyl Methyl phenol (IPMP) formulation in the brand's hand soaps and beauty products acts as a shield against viral and bacterial infections.
Kirei Kirei hand soap is prepared with smooth, soft, and creamy foam, which aids in cleaning the hands. They are suitable for kids as they are made naturally from plant extracts, which are gentle on a baby's skin. As kids keep fingers on their mouths frequently, there are more chances for germs to cling to their little hands. Hand soap from the brand with its active formulation fights against germs for long hours! Hand soap dispensers' lids are wide enough so that kids feel easy to dispense them off, thereby being interested in regular hygienic procedures!
Kirei Kirei hand soap refill comes in refill packs with various fragrances like fruits, floral and more. After washing, you will feel astonishing fragrances lingering in your hands throughout the day. Cleaning hands also is not enough for an anti-bacterial shield. It is essential to take a bath twice a day with a good quality body wash for enhancing cleanliness and tidiness. Kirei Kirei body wash is prepared with plant sources with cleansing properties, which keeps your body clean from dirt and germs. The deodorizing agent in the body wash prevents body odor, keeping you refreshed all through the day.
The brand offers body wash in four refreshing fruity-punch flavors: peach, grape, lemon, and berries. Peach keeps your skin hydrated, grapes for a refreshing feel, and berries for smooth and soft skin, and finally lemon for deodorizing properties. Body foams are generally manufactured in 900ml and 600 ml refill packs that last for many days. Kirei Kirei hand sanitizer comes in gel-liquid texture, which kills 99.9 germs sticking to the hands.
Sanitizers from the brand are non-sticky and quickly dry off as soon as they are applied. They help in keeping your hands hydrated with pleasant smells. They come in a small tube, which is very handy and comfortable to carry in your bags or wallets. The best companion in your diaper bags while you travel with your baby! Invest in the brand's personal care products for a healthy and hygienic living pattern.