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In today’s fast-paced world, every one of us looks for convenient and simple food ingredients that we can put together in no time. One food product is milk powder. Promex is a New Zealand brand that is known for producing quality milk powder. The company was established in Malaysia as a food packer in 1989. This is one of the best milk sources where the regular milk supply and refrigeration aren’t available. The product is processed by spray drying pasteurized milk with some added vitamins in carefully controlled conditions, which give each guarantee of the best quality.
Promex Milk Powder or Full Cream Powder is a soluble powder made by spraying fresh pasteurized milk. This has amazing solubility, the best flow process, and rich and creamy flavour that you can ever find. This product is appropriate in various applications that include dairy products, confectionery products and bakery, nutritional supplements, dry blends, and snack foods. Furthermore, the company provides instant milk powder with amazing solubility in cold beverages with bigger grain sizes.
This full cream powder is best for your health and is quite precious to the brand too, Promex Milk is bringing you fresh full cream powder, which is very rich in calcium and vitamins. It’s made by going through many procedures; the fresh milk has to be pasteurized and kept under the refrigerated environment for safety purposes and to ensure complete nutrition. As a result, the product has calcium, protein, vitamins, and minerals such as Potassium and Iron that support better growth and maintenance of the muscle mass, improve metabolism, strengthen bones, maintain fluid and electrolyte balance, and contribute to the blood cell formation in your body.
Prepared with 100% fresh and natural cow milk, this milk powder pack can also be used for baking delicious pastries, cakes, and much more. Additionally, it’s known to be very nutritious and healthy. Skimmed milk is normally free from dietary fat (fat-free). Therefore, the product is perfect for both dieters and even non-dieters. Besides, this can also prepare coffee, tea, breakfast cereals, and healthy desserts. This product is healthy and safe to use for everyone at home.
This brand’s product provides all the cooking benefits of fresh cream milk in the most convenient and easy to use form. You do not have to refrigerate this product, and it is easy and simple to use; you just have to add a little water for the instant milk. This milk powder is made with fresh milk and is rich in natural insulin, protein, and other essential nutrients. It is said to be completely pure and natural. Try this now.