Fresh Cream

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Prep your meals with dollops of fresh cream from RedMart

One can get fresh cream from milk after sterilizing and processing it at high temperatures before packaging. The top surface of milk is skimmed to prepare it. Its richness adds to the flavor of the item in which it is added. Because it has a mere 25% of fat that is found in milk, it cannot be used as whipping cream. The glossy and thick cream possessing a silken texture is appropriate for both savory and sweet recipes. The commercial version of cream suits products like fruit desserts, salads, oriental curries, and a wide variety of soups. When purchasing this from the local supermarket, ensure that the box of cream is not leaking or puffy to touch.

There are numerous uses of thickened cream obtained from milk. Put simply, it enhances the lusciousness of both hot and cold coffee besides eliminating the bitterness that is associated with coffee. Owing to this, a general perception that is gaining ground is that coffee with cream does not require sugar. Moreover, the crème soups are livened up with the addition of the cooking cream. The base of oriental curries always contains fresh cream to improve its density and taste. The sour cream is also a by-product of fresh cream and is a necessity in many Mexican cuisines. All desserts that require a touch of texture utilize this cream and salads can also get a generous sprinkling of the fresh cream.   

Include fresh cream in your daily diet for a healthy lifestyle

It is readily regarded as the cooking cream as it has a lower fat content and can blend easily in sauces and curry mixtures. Besides enriching them, it lends taste and a visual appeal to the dish. With calories to the tune of 400 and a balance of essential vitamins, fat, protein, carbohydrates, minerals, and fiber, the cream can be considered inevitable. Buttermilk, another derivative of the cream obtained from the extracts after the cream has been converted to butter, is another useful cooking product. It can be consumed alone as a dietary supplement or, can be used in sauces and curries.

Adding a scoop of cream to your juice can add that extra ounce of instant energy to your body making you feel refreshed. Researches which are emerging have suggested the benefits of fresh cream for patients suffering from ailments of the heart. Vitamin A helps in the immunity function and enhances eyesight. The choline content can boost the development of the brain and hasten the process of metabolism. Also, the calcium and phosphorus in it strengthens the bones. Blasting myths, the product is found to lower the levels of blood glucose in diabetes patients. All in all, its contribution to cooking and health benefits makes it an absolute miracle ingredient.