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Honey From RedMart: Get Your Daily Dose Of Sweetness

Honey is an ingredient that is as sweet as sugar and does not have any side effects on your health after consuming it. It is a thick viscous liquid that is golden in colour. Honey is extracted from bees and is very sweet. It is made from the extracted nectar from flowers which the bee stores in its hives. Being an edible item, it is used in various dishes. Majorly it is used as breakfast spreads over slices of bread or tortillas, etc. Apart from consumption, it is also used in the medical industry for treating different types of diseases and wounds.

Raw honey is obtained directly from the beehive in its unprocessed form. The beekeeper removes small debris which includes particles of the hive, dead bees, etc. It is safe to be consumed and is very delicious for consumption. This natural honey is very good for health as it has all the nutrients intact which are removed while pasteurization. They have all the enzymes, pollens, amino acids, and vitamins, trace minerals, and other nutrients intact. It also has antibacterial and antifungal properties which are used to treat wounds. 

Different Types Of Honey

One of the most famous kinds of honey is Manuka honey and is available in Australia and New Zealand. The bees pollinate on the famous manuka bush for its production. This honey is majorly known for its healing power. It repairs the tissue and is used since ancient times to treat various medical conditions. Known for its antibacterial property, this honey is used as an antiseptic. The presence of hydrogen peroxide gives this honey its antibiotic quality. It also possesses anti-inflammatory properties that cure pain and inflammation. Methylglyoxal is the main substance behind its anti-bacterial property.

Natural honey serves as an instant energy drink. It directly enters the bloodstream and gives an immediate energy boost similar to sugar. It can also be used as jam and spreads served with healthy fruits. It is effective in weight loss and also boosts your immunity. Honey also strengthens the immune system against diseases caused by viruses and bacteria. It has antioxidants which are also helpful in boosting immunity. It is very good for the skin as it nourishes and moisturizes the skin without any side effects. It eliminates stress and makes the mind calm which is very good for mental health in the long run. It moisturizes dry hair as well as is a very good remedy for dandruff. It helps in curing sinusitis due to its antibacterial properties which cure the infection inside the nasal cavity.        

Also, honey is used as a substitute for sugar and many people add them to sweeten their beverages.